결제 API
Payment completed API
When a user purchases a sticker, they must use this API to send the result.
BodycontentIdUnique ID value of the sticker content0
BodycontentTypeType of contents sold (IMAGE, STICKER)0
BodykrwPricePrice of contents sold0
BodyorderNoPartner order number0
BodypolicyCodePrice Code (License Type)0
BodytransactedAtPartner trading hours0
BodyuserIdA unique value that can identify a user within the service0
BodyusernameName of userX
[Request example]
	"contentId": "string",
	"contentType": "STICKER",
	"krwPrice": 0,
	"orderNo": "string",
	"policyCode": "OGQ-STICKER-SR",
	"transactedAt": 0,
	"userId": "string",
	"username": "string"