요청타입 | Parameter | Description | Required |
Query Param | userId | A unique value that can identify a user within the service. | 0 |
Query Param | pageSize | The number of image contents to be received in one request. The default number is 40, and the maximum number is 100. | X |
Query Param | page | Page number Page number starts from 0. | X |
Query Param | keyword | Keyword to use for image search If there is no keyword value, a list of popular stickers will be shown as a response. | X |
Query Param | creatorNames | Receive the "list of creators' names" if you want to add the search function of "search with creator's name" | X |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
hasNext | boolean | A field to check if there is more content to be searched. If there is more data with the search condition, hasNext returns a value of "true". |
elements | object | The list of searched image elements |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
contentId | String | Unique ID value of the image content |
title | String | The name of the image content |
description | String | Detailed description of the image content |
creator | object | It displays the information of the creator who created the image content. |
images | object | A list of detailed image |
feedbacks | object | Object for delivering event information of individual image |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
name | String | Creator's name |
profileUrl | String | URL of the creator's profile image |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
thumbnail | object | Thumbnail image to be displayed on the list screen |
web | object | Images to be used in streaming or web/app |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
url | String | Thumbnail Image URL |
width | number | Width of streaming image |
height | number | height of streaming image |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
url | String | Streaming or web/app image URL |
width | number | Width of streaming or web/app image |
height | number | Height of streaming or the Web / app image |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
onUsed | String | URL to call when individual image are used |
"code": 20000,
"data": {
"hasNext": true,
"elements": [
"contentId": "122283f2cff2",
"title": "Image의 제목",
"description": "Image의 설명",
"creator": {
"name": "testCreator",
"profileUrl": "https://preview.files.api.ogq.me/profile/test/with/some_iamge.jpg?format=r240_240"
"images": {
"thumbnail": {
"url": "https://preview.files.api.ogq.me/thumbail/test/with/some_image.png?format=c240_240",
"width": 240,
"height": 135
"web": {
"url": "https://preview.files.api.ogq.me/web/test/with/some_image.png?format=c240_240",
"width": 720,
"height": 405
"feedbacks": {
"onUsed": "https://oapi.ogq.me/v1/feedbacks?feedback_query_params"
요청타입 | Parameter | Description | Required |
Query Param | userId | A unique value that can identify a user within the service. | 0 |
Query Param | pageSize | The number of image elements to be received in one request. The default number is 40, and the maximum number is 100. | X |
Query Param | page | Page number Page number starts from 0. | X |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
hasNext | boolean | A field to check if there is more content to be searched. If there is more data with the search condition, hasNext returns a value of "true". |
elements | object | list of images added to "Favorites" |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
contentId | String | Unique ID value of the image content |
title | String | The name of the image content |
description | String | Detailed description of the image content |
creator | object | It displays the information of the creator who created the image content. |
images | object | A list of detailed images |
feedbacks | object | Object for delivering event information of individual |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
name | String | Creator's name |
profileUrl | String | URL of the creator's profile image |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
thumbnail | object | Thumbnail image to be displayed on the list screen |
web | object | Images to be used in streaming or web/app |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
url | String | Thumbnail Image URL |
width | number | Width of streaming image |
height | number | height of streaming image |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
url | String | Streaming or web/app image URL |
width | number | Width of streaming or web/app image |
height | number | Height of streaming or the Web / app image |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
onUsed | String | URL to call when individual images are used |
"code": 20000,
"data": {
"hasNext": true,
"elements": [
"ordering": 1,
"image": {
"contentId": "122283f2cff2",
"title": "Image의 제목",
"description": "Image의 설명",
"creator": {
"name": "testCreator",
"profileUrl": "https://preview.files.api.ogq.me/profile/test/with/some_iamge.jpg?format=r240_240"
"images": {
"thumbnail": {
"url": "https://preview.files.api.ogq.me/thumbail/test/with/some_image.png?format=c240_240",
"width": 240,
"height": 135
"web": {
"url": "https://preview.files.api.ogq.me/web/test/with/some_image.png?format=c240_240",
"width": 720,
"height": 405
"feedbacks": {
"onUsed": "https://oapi.ogq.me/v1/feedbacks?feedback_query_params"
요청타입 | Parameter | Description | Required |
Query Param | userId | A unique value that can identify a user within the service. | 0 |
Body | contentIds | List of image IDs to add to "Favorites" | 0 |
"contentIds": [
요청타입 | Parameter | Description | Required |
Query Param | userId | A unique value that can identify a user within the service. | 0 |
Body | favoriteItems | An item list of favorite images sets | 0 |
요청타입 | Parameter | Description | Required |
Body | contentId | The image ID you added to "Favorites" | X |
Body | ordering | order of images in ”Favorite" | X |
"favoriteItems": [
"contentId": "17506d5fe220111",
"ordering": 3
"contentId": "17506d5fe220112",
"ordering": 4
요청타입 | Parameter | Description | Required |
Query Param | userId | A unique value that can identify a user within the service. | 0 |
path | contentId | ContentId to delete from image favorites | 0 |
요청타입 | Parameter | Description | Required |
Query Param | userId | A unique value that can identify a user within the service. | 0 |
Query Param | pageSize | The number of image elements to be received in one request. The default number is 40, and the maximum number is 100. | X |
Query Param | page | Page number Page number starts from 0. | X |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
elements | object | list of recently used image |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
recentId | String | ID recently used |
image | list | image used recently |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
contentId | String | Unique ID value of the image content |
title | String | The name of the image content |
description | String | Detailed description of the image content |
creator | object | It displays the information of the creator who created the image content. |
images | object | A list of detailed images |
feedbacks | object | Object for delivering event information of individual image |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
name | String | Creator's name |
profileUrl | String | URL of the creator's profile image |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
thumbnail | object | Thumbnail image to be displayed on the list screen |
web | object | Images to be used in streaming or web/app |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
onUsed | String | URL to call when individual image are used |
"code": 20000,
"data": {
"elements": [
"recentId": 0,
"usedItemId": "1",
"image": {
"contentId": "122283f2cff2",
"title": "Image의 제목",
"description": "Image의 설명",
"creator": {
"name": "testCreator",
"profileUrl": "https://preview.files.api.ogq.me/profile/test/with/some_iamge.jpg?format=r240_240"
"images": {
"thumbnail": {
"url": "https://preview.files.api.ogq.me/thumbail/test/with/some_image.png?format=c240_240",
"width": 240,
"height": 135
"web": {
"url": "https://preview.files.api.ogq.me/web/test/with/some_image.png?format=c240_240",
"width": 720,
"height": 405
"feedbacks": {
"onUsed": "https://oapi.ogq.me/v1/feedbacks?feedback_query_params"
요청타입 | Parameter | Description | Required |
Query Param | userId | A unique value that can identify a user within the service. | 0 |
path | recentId | Id to delete from most recent usage image | 0 |
요청타입 | Parameter | Description | Required |
Query Param | userId | A unique value that can identify a user within the service. | 0 |
Query Param | policyCode | Streaming license type (for example: OGQ-IMAGE-SR) | X |
Path | contentId | the content ID of the image to be used in streaming | 0 |
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
imageUrl | String | Image URL with watermark removed. This URL is valid for 24 hours. (※ Note. This is a URL that cannot be used after 24 hours, so please use after saving the commercial service) |
"code": 20000,
"data": {
"imageUrl": "https://preview.files.api.ogq.me/STOCK_IMAGE_BULK/3fb800f3/5a51e3f008bf3/OGQ_jrjeon_2020-05-08.jpg?format=w1280_cc"